terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2019

[4255] Uma Carta de Ronald Reagan a Aristides Pereira, acerca da oferta do "Ernestina" aos EUA

A carta está na Presidential Library and Museum Ronald Reagan em Simi Valley, California, EUA e Pd'B deu com ela. Aqui fica, portanto...

Letter to President Aristides Pereira of Cape Verde on United States Acceptance of the Gift of the Schooner Ernestina
August 31, 1982

Dear Mr. President:

The gift of the schooner "Ernestina,'' restored so carefully by your Government and the ship's many friends, is deeply appreciated. Its presence in New England will be a reminder of the seafaring traditions and special ties that our peoples share.

On behalf of my fellow Americans, to whom you have so thoughtfully given the ``Ernestina,'' let me thank you for an enduring symbol of private endeavor and of effective cooperation between our governments.

As you thoughtfully suggest, let it also be an example for larger cooperation and understanding among the peoples of the world.


Ronald Reagan

[His Excellency Aristides Pereira, President of the Republic of Cape Verde, Praia]

Note: The Ernestina, which carried thousands of Cape Verdians to the United States as immigrants in the early part of this century, was purchased and rehabilitated by the Cape Verde Government with help from private U.S. citizens of Cape Verde descent. It was being sailed to Providence, R.I., and New Bedford, Mass., for presentation to the United States.

2 comentários:

  1. Interessante, sem dúvida. Bela imagem do Ernestina. É fotografia ou pintura?

    1. É uma foto, cuja autoria desconheço. Vou mandar-ta.

      Braça com velas grávidas,


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